
comédia nacional continua

"PRIME MINISTER SÓCRATES: Thank you, Mr. President. It was a very sympathetic conversation with you. And thank you for the invitation and the opportunity to present to you what are the priorities for Europe in the months ahead. In particular, we had the opportunity to discuss the transatlantic relation, and importance to Europe on the relation with the United States. As a matter of fact, I don't see any strategic question for the world that don't demand, require the most -- better relations with Europe and United States.

And thank you also for the opportunity to discuss some of our more delicate matters in the international agenda, mainly the question of Kosovo and the Middle West [sic] problem. I had the opportunity to tell the President how Europe can see with good (inaudible) the declaration on Middle East of President Bush, the nomination of Tony Blair. And we are feeling that the peace process is moving, and it's very good for Middle East, of course, for Europe, and for the world."

retirado dos discursos da Casa Branca (destaques a bold feitos por mim)

eu não disse que a comédia nacional está imparável?...

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